2025 Greener Arbitration Writing Competition Call for Submissions

Campaign for Greener Arbitrations-North America Committee and the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University

2025 Greener Arbitration Writing Competition

Call for Submissions / Appel à soumissions

The North America Committee of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations (CGA-NA) and the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University (Haub Law) are pleased to announce a writing competition for anyone interested in the intersection of arbitration and environmental law. The paper that will be chosen for this award should make a substantial contribution to legal literature and reflect original research and/or major developments in previously reported research. The winning submission will be awarded $5,000. The deadline for submissions is August 30, 2025.

The purpose of the competition is to encourage and recognize excellent legal scholarship related to the mission of the CGA: to reduce the environmental impact of international arbitration and promote more sustainable arbitration practices. The Campaign was founded in 2019 to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the arbitration community. Haub Law—consistently #1 in Environmental Law in the U.S. News specialty program rankings—has a long history of supporting legal scholarship in a wide array of topics related to environmental law. Haub Law’s ADR Program also has focused on the intersection of environmental law and ADR, through its Environmental Dispute Resolution curriculum, Land Use Law Center which uses consensus-building techniques to assist municipalities in resolving land use disputes, and its Sustainable Business Law Hub, a think tank devoted to addressing global sustainability challenges through policy and research projects.

Submissions will be reviewed on a blind basis by a committee comprised of members of the CGA-NA Committee, Haub Law faculty, and other experts in international arbitration. The winner of the competition will be invited to present the paper to selected students and faculty at Haub Law during the 2025-2026 academic year, either in White Plains, NY if travel can be accomplished sustainably or on videoconference, as circumstances permit and by mutual agreement.


• Everyone is eligible to enter the Competition, whether professor, student, neutral, or practicing lawyer.

• There is no subject-matter limitation for submissions, as long as the paper relates in some way to sustainable practices in arbitration.

• There is no publication commitment associated with the competition, though the winning paper will be offered the opportunity to publish in the PACE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW (if the winning submission is not already published).

• Papers are eligible regardless of whether they were published prior to the submission date, are scheduled to be published after the submission date, or are not yet under submission.

• Each applicant is limited to one entry.

• There are no page-length or word-count limitations.

All papers (including scholarly articles, book chapters, legal briefs and other writings) are eligible for consideration.


• We will accept submissions for this competition through August 30, 2025. We anticipate that the winner will be announced in connection with the 2025 New York Arbitration Week.

• To participate, please email your work, redacted as necessary to preserve anonymity (for the blind judging process), as a portable data file (PDF) to Danielle Rivera, at drivera2@law.pace.edu with the subject line “CGA-NA Haub Law Writing Competition.”

• Please include in the body of your email your name and institutional, law firm or other affiliation.

• Unredacted or late papers will not be considered.



The 2025 Competition is generously funded by the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University.

We are also grateful for the support of our 2025 promotional partners

AAA-ICDR, ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC), Arbitration Place, the Canadian Forum for Arbitration Academics (CFAA)/Forum canadien des chercheurs en arbitrage (FCAA), the Canadian Journal of Commercial Arbitration (CJCA), the Columbia Law School Center for International Commercial & Investment Arbitration (CICIA), the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR), the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), JAMS, the McGill Arbitration Student Society (MASS)/Société étudiante d’arbitrage de McGill, the Miami International Arbitration Society (MIAS), the New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC), NYLON Arbitration, Racial Equality for Arbitration Lawyers (REAL), the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), Tales of the Tribunal, the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society (TCAS), the Vancouver International Arbitration Centre (VanIAC), and the Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners (YCAP).

Click here for Call for Submissions flyer.

Click here for French version (Appel à soumissions).


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